Book an Appointment Online | Align Health Agency | Jersey C.I
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Talk to us today

Book an appointment

You are only one click away from good health.

You can book appointments for all of Align’s services online or by telephone. If you prefer to speak with one of our team, please follow the link to book an appointment and leave your details and one of our friendly receptionists will call you back to discuss your query. Alternatively, call us direct on 01534 789367.


Your first visit to align

Your initial consultation will enable us to get an overall picture of your current health status. We don’t just treat the symptom at Align, we want to make sure there are no underlying issues impacting on or causing health problems.

When you arrive for your first visit you will be greeted by one of our welcoming receptionists who will ask you to provide some personal information for our records. Depending on the service you require this may include information on your health history and lifestyle. Once your questionnaire is completed your examination will take place with one of our expert practitioners.

Align consultation process

What to expect of Align’s cost-effective, proactive and positive route to better health for you and your family.

Initial consultation

Depending on the service you require, the format of your initial consultation will vary.

Please call us in advance of your first visit if you’d like to discuss this in more detail.

Follow up consultation and report of findings

We call your second visit yourReport of Findings’. At this appointment, your therapist provides feedback and recommendations based on your first consultation and any initial treatment you’ve received. We talk you through your individual report, step-by-step. As a multi-disciplinary health agency, our advice is always tailored to your individual needs with the primary goal of getting you feeling your best as quickly and as cost effectively as possible.

Health is made up of many elements, so individual care plans may include a variety of different practitioners and specialties depending on your personal needs. Of course, we discuss in detail with you these options and the clinical reasoning for our recommendations. As it’s a bespoke care plan, you can let us know your preferences for specific techniques and adapt our recommendations to suit you.

During this consultation we can provide lifestyle advice, exercise guidance and offer nutritional support that may benefit you. If you need outside referrals, we can make these on your behalf.

Subsequent visits

Depending on your individual needs and presenting complaints, the format or need for subsequent visits will vary.

What is your cancellation policy?

Re-arranging an appointment – To avoid a cancellation charge, please provide us with 24 hours’ notice.

Cancellation – If you cancel with less than 24 hours’ notice, no show or cancel on the day, you will be charged the full fee for your appointment.

We send automatic text and email reminders two days in advance to assist you in remembering your appointment.


Fill in our contact form or call us on 01534 789367 for more information on any of our services.